Wednesday, March 24, 2010

European Exploitation: Law VS Lore

In the main it appears to be Europeans do not understand Indigenous tribal lore. It appears that law is used by Europeans to undermine lore = exploitation. It may be that European people and Governments will take every opportunity to undermine Aboriginal cultures, even to the point of using criminal and deceptive means. Aboriginal people have a right to there heritage and culture, Europeans have a vested interest into destroying Indigenous rights to heritage and culture as it is a method employed to steal Aboriginal property, knowledge and intellectual property. How many Aboriginal people have been exploited, murdered, imprisoned and disadvantaged by the unfair implementation of law, without due consideration being given to tribal lore?.
The bone and the dreaming is against Europe and there decedents, their cruel and inhuman activities will not go on without notice. The assault upon humanity via the indiscriminate and improper uses of law has been noted in the dreaming and this may be reconciled within the realms of natural law = payback from within the spiritual realms.

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