Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dream England Stange Plant and Fog

Kym dreamed of his supervisor in the Aboriginal section of UNISA and that we were very close, as if related in some way. We were working something out and Kym saw a porn-broker in the dream. He quickly went into a safe and got out some money, Kym ended with $80 and was showing that to his ex wife Rachael.
Then Kym was in England and he saw an older man who was suffering from very bad sinus problems (hay-fever)Kym asked him why and he said "because of the car fumes". Kym asked the man which way is London and he pointed. Kym went outside to look in the direction he pointed and there were massive clouds over the hills in that direction. The clouds were billowing and heading towards us. Then a strange plant started to grow up from under a ledge as we were standing on a ledge and we became afraid but the plant passed over our heads with no harm to us. The other person with me said that he hated that when it happens. The clouds and masses of fog were billowing down a valley in the distant hills and heading for us. The sight in the dream was awesome to see and frightening. After this there were clear skies over where London was pointed to be in the dream.
Aboriginal business, Aboriginal tribal relationship,sinus infections, London, excessive air moisture and clouds, a strange plant that grew quickly (biomass) and clear skies follow.

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