Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Little Girl in the House Dream

The Dream: Kym was asleep and in the dream he was awoken by a violent rattling of the bedroom door. At first he didn't realize that someone was there but again their was the noise at the door. There was someone in our house and Kym was terrified to the pit of his guts. Kym got out of bed and went from room to room yelling who's there, who are you and the terror continued. Suddenly Kym turned and there was his daughter Isobel with a little girl about eight years old and she was crying. She was in danger from the street gangs and she had come into our house for protection. Kym was distraught and saying to his wife wake up there's a little girl in our house and we have to call the Police. We have to find her mother. Kym went to his mothers house and said we have a little girl with us and we have to call the Police. She is lost and we cant find her mother.

Out of 1-10 for intensity and importance: This dream is a 10. There are numerous ways to interpret this dream but it is best that we wait and see what unfolds now. But make no mistake things will come to light and the little girl will be safe in our house.

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