Wednesday, March 24, 2010

European Exploitation Aboriginal Heritage Culture

From: Kym Maxwell
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:07 AM
Subject: Police interrogation of my family was not required

It has been noted that my family was interrogated by the Police yesterday at Challa Gardens Primary school in relation to a trivial family matter. That was acknowledged by the police and school. Although the school professes that they have to be cautious this was really an over reaction on their behalf.=European assault upon Aboriginal people using the wrong appropriation and uses of law=typical behavior of Europeans and corrupted Aboriginal associates, who are intent upon the abuses of law to steal Aboriginal heritage and property.

These matters are noted within the dreaming and our story of absolute abuse and the exploitation of our heritage, culture and family.=shame on you.

European Exploitation: Law VS Lore

In the main it appears to be Europeans do not understand Indigenous tribal lore. It appears that law is used by Europeans to undermine lore = exploitation. It may be that European people and Governments will take every opportunity to undermine Aboriginal cultures, even to the point of using criminal and deceptive means. Aboriginal people have a right to there heritage and culture, Europeans have a vested interest into destroying Indigenous rights to heritage and culture as it is a method employed to steal Aboriginal property, knowledge and intellectual property. How many Aboriginal people have been exploited, murdered, imprisoned and disadvantaged by the unfair implementation of law, without due consideration being given to tribal lore?.
The bone and the dreaming is against Europe and there decedents, their cruel and inhuman activities will not go on without notice. The assault upon humanity via the indiscriminate and improper uses of law has been noted in the dreaming and this may be reconciled within the realms of natural law = payback from within the spiritual realms.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bright Side Of Road Bright side of the road=I quarter Irish to=my 1st lover Irish girl 18=I was 8
I talkin to u bout my life an how I affected dreamin(Aboriginal lore)=last nite had a dream dat I sortin out stuff in dreamin=no trouble:)=in peaceful way=summit to do wit University

Friday, March 12, 2010

Turtle Dream & Visit by Dolphin: The Womans Part

Hands as soft as the best Egyptian cotton fit for a baby which ads in the gentle touch, along with the warm sweet calming sent of Vanilla <3 VANILLA: Burned to attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the powers of the mind.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Water Policy Indigenous Lore and Rites

Hi Lee, this is an informal note to Minister Weatherill. Thoughts about the Liberal storm water for drinking policy (I am an under grad, envir science, UNISA Mawson)
1 No considerations has been given to bio remediation of polluted water before filtration for drinking=recommend=ponding of a substantial body of water for bio cleaning before filtration.
2 The question as to the Native Title settlements and rites=including Indigenous knowledge, intellectual property and the rites therein=conjoined to spacial=those spatial properties linked to data (GIS Ark Map)=have not been established or settled
3 The need to hold a substantial body of water resources as equity for the peoples of Australia has not been considered and also the matter of reserves held as equity in case of a National emergency (climate change)
4 No mention of water for cultural flows=rivers and creeks are dry on plains=bio delinquency.
5 The issues of the need for bodies of water to be held on the ground for ecological sustainability and biodiversity on the Adelaide plains. Again this could be held as a joint equity by the Government and the Aboriginal people and managed responsibly on behalf of the people of Australia.
Isobel Redmond and the Liberals intend to hijack the water and to do a rough job on remediation of pollution that will lead to further problems=ecological, legal, economic, cultural and heritage. The waters on the ground are conjoined to the intellectual property, knowledge and those rites within that. As an Elder of the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri peoples I do not believe they have that rite to exploit lore.
I am an advocate for water trading and economic benefits=once the hard yards are done and we have good policy for sustainability and resources in reserve.
It is my understanding that the policy of the current Labor Party has considered the points I have made in there current water policy. I wish you well with your endeavors as the fundamental aspects of respect for country are proposed to be observed and enacted.

Yours sincerely Kym Maxwell, the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri family, Title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore.