Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we Go hahah :)D

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 8:48 AM
To: Joan Gibbs
Cc: David Bruce
Subject: FW: Cadetship EPA

As agreed I will continue with my committment to land restoration on the Coorong IPA and hopefully my Government appointment will assist with that project.

Regards from kym Maxwell

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 8:39 AM
To: Hill, Greg (EPA)
Subject: RE: Cadetship EPA

Thankyou Greg
That makes my life a lot simpler in the short term. I can now make solid plans and get on with my work within my field, hopefully under your department guidance and supervison: Environmental Protection

Regards from Kym Maxwell

A letter To UniSA: re Aboriginal Empoyment Opportunities

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 6:52 AM
To: Joan Gibbs
Cc: david.bruce@unisa.u.au
Subject: Voluntary work certain Ngarrindjeri families associated to the Coorong IPA

Hello to Joan Gibbs and to David Bruce from Kym Maxwell

Joan I have had no confirmation from the EPA that I will be proceeding with my cadetship. I am concerned that my agreement to do voluntary work for UniSA on the Coorong project has jeopardised the position with the EPA. There are some logistic problems that I face 1: If I don't get paid employment I simply cant afford to take time running around after other people 2: If I don't get paid employment with the EPA I will have to spend the break seeking employment or working with my wife in the family business 3: My first obligation is to my wife and my family and it would be unfair for me to give time to others whilst I am unemployed and not bringing money into the house. I am certain that other people would not be expected to work for no pay whilst their family suffers.
In view of the circumstances, unless I get a paid position I will not be able to do any further voluntary work as our family budget cannot support those types of activities. If I was active in an honours degree and getting an income associated to research on the Coorong then I could afford to participate. I am waiting for a reply from the EPA and my ability to continue with the project manager position on the Coorong will depend upon the response I receive and if I get paid employment over the holiday period. When I took the position I thought that the cadetship would be going ahead but I have not had confirmation; the political and business situation between UniSA and the particular IPA on the Coorong has not been properly disclosed to me and the dreaming has indicated that all is not well in that area. I can not afford to take a chance and continue with this situation as I have a lot of investigation and work to do associated to the legal and political situation associated to the cadetship, the Ngarrindjeri associated, the university, the EPA, DERRW and the CIU. The issue of my Aboriginal confirmation is directly linked to the situation with the EPA and my cadetship; as you can see, this whole matter is very convoluted and I do need to sort out the issues that are affecting me. We have rising living costs and debts that include HEX so I must honour my family and my financial commitments as my children are at an age where they are requiring substantial financial support and without my business activities or employment, I can not sustain that. I will let you know if I can proceed with my work on the Coorong when I get a response from the EPA. I will request a meeting as matters proceed, with a rep for the UniSA SMG as I am very unhappy as to what has transpired associated to my work placement (organized by Frazer Vicory with DLWBC), the ensuing IPA cadetship offer and all that surrounds those issues.

Yours sincerely Kym Maxwell

The Murray Darling Basin and the associates of the Ngarrindjeri; in the dreaming

To Robert McClelland, premier@saugov.sa.gov.au, beata.kowalczyk@sa.gov.au
From: kym maxwell (aboriginal-arts@hotmail.com)
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2010 8:07:24 PM
To: Robert McClelland (attorney@ag.gov.au)
Cc: premier@saugov.sa.gov.au
Bcc: beata.kowalczyk@sa.gov.au

Hello to ag Robert McClelland and to Premier Mike Rann from Kym Maxwell

The dreams :) Kym dreamed that someone said there was a carnival in town. Kym replied that he would take the day off. The response was as though abuse was spat at Kym for that suggestion.?

Interp: The carnies associated to the Moran's and the 1994 hit on Kym; re the dreaming then about the Murray River and water rights etc. Kym survived the hit to tell the tales hahaha :) Kadashi fo dem bastards de dead ones

Kym dreamed he was walking past a garage sale and Kym had a nice English pottery jug in his procession. The guy doing the garage sale was an antique dealer known to Kym and Kym asked him, whats the jug worth, he said $62. Kym laughed and said "I am under no illusions. hahaha :)

Interp: Dealer from Magill Road and others were involved into the set up and hit on Kym in 1994 (+ the Nema family) Kadashi fo dem :)

Kym dreamed that someone in the street was trying to shoot our dogs. Kym saw a creature in his roof chewing to get into the house. It looked like a rat, but then changed to a native marsupial and it was friendly :) This creature had a relative that looked like a bird with no wings and a head like a marsupial :) The two creatures were friends

Interp: This means I have support somewhere within the Indigenous ranks; my dogs represent my adopted family (we love them hahah :) Kadashi will protect them so do not hurt them; a warning

I dreamed of an associated within University; worked with him on the Coorong land restoration assignment and he is an Italian and Greek person. We got along well and in the dream we were very good friends, I was saying that to him? Being a little to kind maybe hahah :)

Interp: Kadashi protects the friends of the Ngarrindjeri in the dreaming; a warning

Best not to calculate water allocation rites during a flood year. And best that the Gov protects and provides security for the Ngarrindjeri and others; because we are protecting shared property rites; in the dreaming :)

Lets see what comes in the dreaming to protect the waters of the Ngarrindjeri people

Letter to the Government of Australia re Family and Property Security

To the Public Trustee,cc to the Federal Attorney General of Australia and the Premier of South Australia

Hello Beata Kowalczy from Rachael Maxwell

In reference to a letter I received from you; Public Trustee's intentions to conduct to a house and property inspection. As you are aware our property was vandalised on numerous occasions over the past decade and numerous reports were made to the Police. My husband who is a share holder in the property has attended the University of South Australia for several years in order to gain a bachelor degree. He needed to get accreditation in order to be able to deal with the criminal terrorism directed against our family that is linked to his Ngarrindjeri heritage and priori rights, that associate to Ngarrindjeri matters in lore. Water rights are a specific issue of contention that have been in the dreaming recently; the breaches in lore have affected the environmental health of the Murray Darling Basin in recent times. There have been issues in my husbands past-dreaming that link to the bother we are experiencing with the farmers representatives who are disputing the rights to use water for irrigation. My husband has sent numerous letters to the Government associated to this matter of environmental and National importance. My husbands work within the University associates to Indigenous rights and environmental science.
Because my husband has been busy working with UniSA he has not been able to have time to attend to property maintenance and as you are aware my funds have been depleted due to the unusual high costs I have endured due to previous legal disputation with Trustee, property and business sabotage. We have been damaged by our association to the Ngarrinjeri-Kaurna people, the developers-linked and the Government of Australia and it would be difficult to prove but our personal costs caused by the damages are enormous. This has left my family in a situation of jeopardy because the Government of Australia has not provided our family with a duty of care and protection associated to our tribal responsibilities in lore and the dreaming. We would not like to be accused of causing the damages to the property or behaving in a negligent way towards our property; so we are warning you prior to that inspection of the circumstances and we have two major concerns. 1 I do not want to spend unreasonable amounts of money to restore the house because at a future date we have intentions of rebuilding on the property 2 The matter of Trustee interfering into my business and my husbands business associated to the property is a contentious matter for us and the Trustee. The circumstances leading to the situation described has exacerbated the problem and how we are feeling about what has occurred. We are making allegations that the people behind the damages to our property and estate intended to do that to ruin our credibility and to damage us personally: for reasons of there own personal gains, incorporating associated links to corruption within Government and business. We hope that you make a note of our concerns and attach that to my file. I will attach this letter to my husbands blog so we have a permanent and public record of our concerns for the safety and security of our family.

Yours sincerely Rachael Maxwell and family

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Dreams: Warnings: Be Wary of Trepidations Looming

From: aboriginal-arts@hotmail.com
To: attorney@ag.gov.au
CC: tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au
Subject: The dreams are confronting
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 07:25:27 +0930

Hello to the Federal AG Robert McClelland to the leader of the Federal opposition Tony Abbott

Over the past few weeks the dreaming has been disturbing and that seems to coincide with my appointment as project manager on behalf of UniSA for the Coorong. I was acknowledged by the Trevorrow family at Hacks Point to be involved as the project manager for UniSA for the land restoration and other duties within that region. The position is a voluntary position. I have noted that my appointment with the EPA via DEERW as a cadet has not been completed and I am now behind schedule.

Kym dreamed that he was at Hacks point and he opened a packet of smokes and dropped the paper on the ground (Kym does not smoke). A very butch, tough appearing woman complained that Kym had littered so Kym agreed to pick up the paper. Then there was more and more litter and lolly papers and Kym was instructed and stood over by the dominant female to pick up the papers. Kym did not complain and did what he was asked to do. ( could be a bit of a mess to clean up?)

Kym dreamed he was at Folland Park Enfield ( working on a current plant survey), Kym dreamed that he was conducting a rough experiment that related to Oxalis pes-caprae (sour sobs) and using them as compost.
I am currently doing an assignment in Folland Park and I have noted that the weeds are being heavily poisoned within the park, slashing and composting could be a safer and better option? (the fun continues)

Kym dreamed he was singing at Adelaide University but he forgot the words. Kym began to adlib but was not doing well and the song deteriorated to a pathetic narration. Three female students noted Kyms embarrassing situation and noted that he did not have the words. They said that they would speak with my lecturer on Kyms behalf to offer their support.
( I have never done well yet after dreaming of my experiences with the Adelaide University, this began at CASM ten years ago, a dispute over International Aboriginal human rights issues, certain factions don't seem to be able to adhere to International law)

Kym dreamed he was on a bus that was being driven by a butch tough looking lady wearing dark sun glasses. There was myself another male and to girls on the bus and we were taken to a place where the bus parked so we could have some fun. I left the bus to get some wine and asked one of the girls if she would like some Brown Brothers wine. She said yes and that she had had some of their wine the day before.
(could be something to do with UniSA funding and the wine industry, relative to Environmental cuts to irrigation uses of the Murray Darling Basin)

Last night Kym dreamed that he was at the Police station and when the officer asked my name and I responded, he immediately attempted to arrest me and hand cuff me. Kym was complaining and exclaiming that he had done nothing to warrant the arrest.
(how would you be feeling if you were confronted with such a negative barrage of dreams that associate to obvious Native Title issues related to hypothetical-symbolic Environmental rorts, pre-existing within a beleaguered system, the old guard still has a kick for the willing ass it appears hahah :))

If I did not take the appointment for the Coorong I could be ridiculed for not supporting my greater tribal group (the Ngarrindjeri) and now I have taken the appointment, I am now involved into another probable conspiracy, being orchestrated by some, to destroy my character and credibility, it could appear to be heading that way? (in the dreaming) And still with no concrete prospects for paid employment (just another run around whilst my personal priori heritage rights and the rights of my people are being exploited, things appear to be ongoing in that direction at the moment)(in the dreaming)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ngarrindjeri contact with Kingsley Ahang Kingston

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Mon 9/27/2010 5:10 AM
To: white.dingo@yahoo.com
Cc: Joan Gibbs
Subject: Hello Kingley
Hello to Kingley Ahang and to Joan Gibbs (UNISA) from Kym Maxwell

It was a pleasure to meet you and to catch up with you at the Fishermans Wharf market on Sunday Kingsley and as I said I would then,I am now contacting you via my email to make a connection to exchange thoughts that associate to the greater Ngarrindjeri Nation, within the South Eastern bio regions of South Australia. I understand that you are a part of an Aboriginal organization that holds an interest into heritage and environmental protection within the Kingston region. You explained to me that you are a part of the Thankald people and that those people identify to be a part of the greater Ngarrindjeri Nation. I identify to be a part of a lost group within the Ngarrindjeri Nation that are linked to the South East, the middle South Coast and the Adelaide plains, that extends to the mid North and links to the Nadgeri. To include the others within my region I identify the Kaurna and those associations within my group as Ngarrindjeri-Kaurna and thus they are included to be a part of the Ngarrindjeri-Kaurna Nations. Because of the previous translocation and forced migration of peoples from region to region, we now have a melting pot of peoples who are interrelated and they also identify to there regional associations that may have been altered due to translocation etc (you are probably aware of the issues the Aboriginal Nations are facing due to that problem alone)
Funding and the applications of Government grants for land restoration work is an issue that may need to be discussed so that the care for the whole South Eastern region is taken into consideration, it is all interelated into one large ecosystem that is co-dependent upon all of the facilitating ecosytems. I can recall that you mentioned to me that your group is working within caring for country practices and that they have an interest within land-restoration etc. The key stakeholders may have options, they can either join forces and share within a larger grant application or they can apply each as independent parties representing there sub groups (this is in the dreaming). The key stake holders could consider, but within the context of scientific analysis being respected; UNISA, the NRM and the Government will obviously play a role within the decision making processes. Because the Ngarrindjeri is such a large Nation we may be able to have 2 regional groups comprising of the South and the North (in the dreaming) but with sympathetic ideals and similar plans=caring for country. Within my part you may be able to assist me to identify all of the major stake holders within the South Eastern region so that I can connect with those parties to gain an understanding of there ideas, expectations and requirements.
The theme of caring for country, in brief the International and National perspectives could involve both C02 reduction (carbon sequestration), biomass production, soil-water condition, biodiversity and species+remnant forest protection. Please consult with your representative body and relay those thoughts and ideals, at this time we are only engaging into conversations and I can not act independently or without consultations with the others, the University, the Government and the NRM board.

Regards from Kym Maxwell

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dreams, the Mansion

Hi Marriam:Below is an email I sent to the Governement and Aboriginal leaders. It has occurred to me that if Aboriginal Australia settles with Native Title claims over the cities, that could be done if we agreed to form a three way partnership, business, Indigenous and Gov and agree to fund communications (improvement in technology and broadband for the Southern hemisphere) This could be an ongoing relationship incorporating business managements that could be considered as a joint national equity to promote Global business agreements. This type of plan I would agree to as it could develop ongoing and sustainable wealth generation with a sustainable basis that forms a joint resourses base with International and local management (we need good patners who have similar assets to form a solid financial base)

The people in the mansion are fine and were friendly but they were just a little out of control and taking liberties by using our communications without asking. After the initial disputation, in the dreaming, there did not seem to be a problem as the people appeared to be well educated and of good character:). Be interesting to see what comes, the dreaming is a about bio fuel production, with sustainable farming practices that rely upon soil restoration via carbon sequestration and nitrogen fixation. ( I dreamed about broad-bean flour and protien powder hahah=the middle east meets west) Keep the thinking cap on lol:)D

Last night I dreamed that we were living in a large mansion (a theme that is constant in the dreaming over a decade), I heard a noise and on investigation I discovered a group of people in the mansion with us and they were using our phone. I complained to my wife and instructed her to remove the phones from the socket so that they could not be exploited by our unwanted visitors. In the dream the mansion started to fill up with visitors and they were looking in every room and intrigued by the size an splendour of our palace.
In the next dream I was being ridiculed by a young Aboriginal boy, he was questioning my authority and abilities, he was mentioning that I would not be able to play football (hes right about me getting a kick haha :).

As you are aware there are not many Title claims that have been settled over the urban regions and cities. They just don't seem to fit into the Marbo style Native Title and legal-legislative paradigms. Without firm agreements those estates are open to exploitation and indeed the dreaming points to numerous events where Aboriginal property has been been exploited by organized crime and business. My personal view about the mansion dream is that we are being warned that there may be plans a foot to exploit National Native Title interests in order to attempt to raise fund for the implementation of the recent broadband-communications plan.
The dream about the boy is warning me that someone with no real authority or power base might try to undermine my sensibilities and authority, that is associated to my inherited Aboriginal heritage and associated responsibilities to the security of that heritage (priori rights to Indigenous knowledge, intellectual property, property and those rights held within that) The reasonable uses of Aboriginal rights for joint benefit for Government, business and the Aboriginal communities is acceptable but the unruly exploitations of Aboriginal property and rights is probably not ideal.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Marginal Lands re Developments=Bio Fuel Production

Hello to MP Tony Abbott and senator Nick Xenophon

The problem=to many people guided by development-financiers are choosing to live in within premium areas within the coastal and estuarine systems within Australia. This often places communities on the richest environmental hot spots and on the richest soils in the land, being the soils of the alluvial flood plains. The sediments of the wetlands and the alluvial plains are vital to the functioning of the coastal-mangrove and estuarine ecosystems. In turn the whole gulf-ecosystem system within our region could come come under threat and collapse if it is placed under greater urban stress due to negligent development without due care (based upon prior Indigenous knowledge and the dreaming).
The suggestions.
1 Nurture government-business and Indigenous partnerships
2 Use Indigenous priori rights established under the human rights act and International law to secure crown lands and rivers, used as a National and shared resource equity-base.
3 Use ILUA and genre sui agreements to establish the boundaries and the management rights of Crown lands (as a shared resource to be developed jointly to enhance biodiversity and sustainable agricultural practices)
4 Use Aboriginal traditional knowledge systems to assist with Australian farming practice
5 Encourage the development of marginal lands to enhance community dispersal away from the coastal regions ie sustainable farming practice to enhance the marginal farming areas with Government assistance to develop projects that relate to the production of bio-fuels and CO2 sequestration (Goyder's line, make it go away).
6 Develop water use technology that are friendly to marginal regional-ecologies (aquifer usage).
7 Use and develop endemic plant-animal species and useful-exotics that have adapted well, for sustainable agricultural purposes and use indigenous knowledge systems and rights to enhance and benefit our multicultural communities.
By making marginal Australia attractive to environmental-economic-rationalism the economies of those regions may develop naturally as places where populations will be engaged into successful and viable cohabitation with each other and that which is natural development.

Kym Maxwell: Ngarrindjeri stake holder in Australian Title

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dreams about Prime Minister Gillard and associations to the Fishermans Wharfs developments

From: Kym
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 8:17 AM
To: tony.abbott@ag.gov.au
Cc: attorney@ag.gov.au
Subject: dreams Julia Gillards rocking horse

Hello to Tony Abbott from Kym Maxwell and family

Kym dreamed a few days ago that he was fishing in a boat (the boat he owned with his first wife back in the eighties before the Mall Town saga). Kym and Rachael were trying to get to the silt grounds at Outer Harbor when the tide was getting low and we were beginning to run aground. Kym tried to get into deeper water and we ended in the Port River. The boat went into a dead end like a lock and was jammed. Kym decided to jump into the water to free the boat but the tide was strong, there was another dinghy attached, a trailer and it was impossible to control the boat in the water. Then Kym felt something on his leg and thought it could be shark, but in fact Kym knew sharks were rare in the Port River estuary. The thing on his leg was like a very large leach and to get away from that Kym climbed onto a floating pontoon. The pontoon was full of weird looking fish (a cross between a flounder and a stingray)and Kym was sitting on top of the fish. Kym looked behind him and there was a seal sitting on the pontoon with him and he thought that it might bite him. The seal was friendly and did not harm Kym.

So what is this about=Deals relating to the Ehmans and the Port Adelaide docks that relate to past issues of NT conflict and corruption re Kyms first marriage and the Maxcraft Malltown debarcle back in the eighties. The flounder and the seal links Kangaroo Island and the Ngarrindjeri to the Native Title corruption re whalers and sealers associated to the first boats that docked on Kangaroo Island re 1802 (the Brig Union) The dream might show exposure of corruption and that Kym is leaving that behind and moving on.

Now this is an interesting dream

Kym dreamed that his eldest daughter Carrie had a child's rocking horse and she was cleaning it. Carrie said that it was Prime Minister Gillard's rocking horse and that she was asked to keep it because Julia Gillard and her boyfriend were arguing over who owns it.
I had another dream about a clay rocking horse that was on the Ehmans roof and Valmae Ehmans was complaining that my daughter Odetta did not make it big enough. (the Ehmans own the Fisherman Wharf Market and have extensive developments associated to Port Adelaide and the wharfs). Could be that Prime Minister Gillard's dealing with the Unions and NT corruption are coming back to haunt her in our dreams.

Regards from Kym Maxwell and family, Ngarrindjeri stake holders in Title

Friday, August 6, 2010

Email to Nunkuwarren Yunti expaining a little of Kyms history

From: Kym
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 9:55 AM
To: Sharon.Vincin@sa.gov.au
Cc: attorney@ag.gov.au
Subject: Fw: change to confirmation form

From: Kym
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 9:54 AM
To: michael.turner3@sa.gov.au
Cc: greg.hill@epa.sa.gov.au
Subject: Fw: change to confirmation form

Hello Sharon, Michael and Greg from Kym and family
The dreaming has indicated that we are currently in a phase where we are having issues associated to Native Title exploitation that links to the Port Adelaide wharfs and the Ehmans (Fishermans Wharf Markets where we are currently trading) As I have said, we will wait upon the dreaming whilst matters unfold further. All indications are pointing to further corruptions and bother=factions within Unions, business, Gov, Aboriginal organizations and organized crime.

From: Kym
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 9:47 AM
To: nunku@nunku.org.au
Cc: tony.abbott@ag.gov.au
Subject: Fw: change to confirmation form

From: Kym
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 12:10 AM
To: nunku@nunku.org.au
Cc: michael.turner3@sa.gov.au
Subject: change to confirmation form

Attention Muggie Sumner from Kym Maxwell

Muggie it was not you I met at Nunku around 1997, it was Basil Sumner. I had a meeting with Basil and he tried to help me with issues I was dealing with then. He suggested that I should not bring my troubles to the community at that time and I was not as informed then as I am now as to what was behind the issues that were troubling me. The bottom line is that I got you and Basil mixed up as it was a long time ago. I will drop into the office and amend that mistake. I do not know if Basil is on the board? Please accept my apologies for a poor memory and a genuine mistake.

Yours sincerely Kym Maxwell

Hello Muggie from Kym Maxwell and family

I remember that I went to Nunku with Tony Doyle around 1993 and met with Polly Sumner about an arts exhibition for charity. I was working with Tony (Arts in Action) whilst in recovery from a major car accident (re drugged by bikers associated to NT and Unions Semaphore Hotel). I can remember that because I associated that to what we call the Holdfast Bay Hit on Kym in 1994. Associated to the Nema family and the Stamford Land Corp (re the development of the Glenelg NT. foreshore and the stashed cash affair). Kym was set up into a bogus business deal in the Adelaide Hills and set up by bikers on the West Coast by the carnies (working for them). Kym was then drugged in Scuzzi restaurant East End Adelaide and there was an attempt to abduct him but he got away. Kym can recall being drugged again during this period after visiting Nunku and whilst in the company of an Aboriginal girl who conned him (JUNKY), at a restaurant in North Adelaide. This is a very brief overview of what happened back then and how Kym was set up before the attempts upon his life. (historic associations to bikers, corrupt lawyers, Unions and business that links back decades re Native Title related). I can remember being disappointed as to how I was treated at Nunku and the associations that I had made during that period. It was during that period just after the Holdfast Bay hit (1994) that I spoke with Basil. He said I should get to know his sister Polly Sumner and that I should make myself known around Nunku. The next time I attended Nunku I was ushered out of the building and told not to come back.
My association to this history associated to Native Title fraud and exploitation is continuing to cause me issues of problem and is contributing to the process of my circumstances of unemployment whilst others are using our heritage and ID to exploit Indigenous priori rites. There are a lot painful things that have occurred that my family would prefer to forget but it appears that others are not willing to let matters go. We will wait upon the dreaming whilst these issues in lore are sorted by natural means. (as it does)

Regards Kym Maxwell and family

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hello Tony Abbott
We are having a hell of a time with the Union-Labor-Business mob and experiencing all sorts of problems=Education=Corruption=Communications=Employment=Aboriginal Confirmation=Regional Title exploitation=Criminal Terrorisms and unfortunately I do not have time to elaborate further and nor do I hold conclusive evidence (what is new). Tony Abbott, we would be forgiven to be thinking that we are contesting this election as to how we are being tormented and there is no way of reasonability with this mob. Are you a lizard and do you have an egg to suck :), you probably do not need a lesson.
The dreaming might indicate that Labor is in debt to China and that they are intent upon using Indigenous Title rights to service that debt. This is leading to increasing pressure upon us as we are intent upon exposing Title exploitations that come to us in the dreaming.
Politics aside, I am trying to finish my science degree and I actually am interested into that but I am distracted by all manner of political issues associated to NT corruptions that continue to hound our family=in the dreaming and in life=terrorisms, bias, nepotism, loss of business, loss of funds, costs due to administration re security. We thank you for your continuing support as we have tried not to burden others with our problems but if this becomes to much for our family to bare we may have to contact your office associating to matters of security for our family.

Kind regards Kym and Rachael Maxwell: Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri regional Title: stake holders

From: Kym
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 10:38 AM
To: premier@saugov.sa.gov.au
Cc: attorney@ag.gov.au
Subject: Dreamns


Hello Premier Rann: Last night I dreamed that I was singing this song with a band. The band started playing and I said to them I do not know all of the verses and perhaps we should Google some lyrics during the break in performance. I completed an excellent rendition of the chorus only.
Premier, the dreaming is continuing and it appears that whether or not it is published, the issues of the violations of lore and the exploitations of Indigenous Title are exposed in some way. I am confident that the perpetrators behind the exploitations of our regional Title and the criminal terrorisms of our family will be further exposed and brought to justice.
In the dreaming.
Hello Twitter lawenforcement@twitter.com;
My @kaurna account=I can not log=email and ID do not match in and when I typed in @kaurna the response was that it does not exist. I have almost 2000 followers and I need assistance to locate my account and assurance that it still exists and how to access that account. I would also like an explanation as to what has occurred as there are racial human rights issues associated to this matter.

Regards the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri family, stake holders in Indigenous Title

admin@kaurna-arts to ;

Hello Twitter
My @kaurna account=I can not log=email and ID do not match in and when I typed in @kaurna the response was that it does not exist. I have almost 2000 followers and I need assistance to locate my account and assurance that it still exists and how to access that account. I would also like an explanation as to what has occurred as there are racial human rights issues associated to this matter.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Twitter posts=Authentification of Aboriginal Family Trees

@PremierMikeRann @JuliaGillard you do have the right to respond ?
3 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann most people can be forced to lie and cheat when they are faced with there own extinction lol=how low can yu go lol
5 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Premier=your Gov policy=promotes corruption, exploitation and the genocide of the Aboriginal Nations=below par policies ):
6 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann how can we as Aboriginal people live a normal and successfull life when we are forced by heritage to be associated=crime
9 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann you would have to agree that corruption and exploitation of NT exists lol= Unions business and organised crime-gangs
11 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann do you think that the Aboriginal defined by confirmation might support the emergence of Native Title corruption?
14 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Ngarrindjeri Kaurna Nudjerri doesnt sound right lol. u got a big problem associated to NTcorruption and fabricated linage
17 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann have you noted the similarity of neibouring tribes=Ngarrinjeri & Nudjerri? why then a Kaurna in between them?
20 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann lol your Gove could establish a DNA pool for all the tribal groups Ndgerri Ngarrindjeri Narrunga and the so called Kaurna?
22 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann perhaps DNA should be collected from all of the parties and tested lol I would agree to that?
25 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann the behavior of the people I have met with might indicate that there are problems associated to endemic tribal virtues
28 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann ?how do we kno that all the Ngarrindjeri family trees are correct?some may be fabricated by families and clever lawyers ?
30 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard ?how do we kno that all the Ngarrindjeri family trees are correct?some may be fabricated by families and clever lawyers lol?
31 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @PremierMikeRann mmm? how do we kno that the so called Kaurna family trees have not been fabricated? the whole Kaurna thing=fabrication ?
33 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard mmm? how do we kno that the so called Kaurna family trees have not been fabricated? the whole Kaurna thing=fabrication lol?
34 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twitter posts Prime Minister Gillard and Premier Mike Rann re Unions, Business,Organized Crime the ALRM Aborig confirmation=Native Title exploitation

@PremierMikeRann lol we are trying to get security for all Aboriginal families=we have no security with the current corrupted situ=NT issues
1 minute ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Premier Rann=u must change yo Gov ways=do not support Union & Business corruption of Native Title and ganland bullies lol
3 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann LOL yo Gov is a disgracefull and corrupted mess=Yo Gov has supported Native Title exploitation=Union and Gangland assist
5 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann property damages for decades=millions of $ damages re Gov internal, ALRM,= Police corruption=Union & business NT exploit
6 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that assisted us re security=Union based gang attacks upon our family=unemployment,business &
7 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that offered us protection lol=Union related gang attacks= employment,business, property
8 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann lol u= directly implicated into the gang attacks upon our family=Union links=CFMEU in our dreaming lol=gang attacks relate
9 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann since change of Howard Gov we have received further damages gang related=no intervention by your Gov=no security protect
11 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann we have been terrorised by Aboriginal gangs and bikers for decades=limited Police action=no security=accept Howard Gov
12 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Union and gang standover tactics has rruined our business and caused us to receive major financial damage=unemployment
13 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann organized crime, biker gangs and criminals linked to the Unions lol=massive damage to our property over three decades
14 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann no legal or Native Title representation=exploitation of our Native Title rights and heritage=our security is threatened by
15 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann legal protection for gang members and Aboriginal confirmation by the ALRM=but our security is threatened=no confirmation=
16 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/inside-the-gang-of-49/story-e6frea83-1225851579015
17 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann upon our family=gang of 49 type attacks upon us=linked ALRM=linked Native Title exploitation=link Aboriginal confirmation
18 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann three times previously and the Council has made my wife pay the expiation notice= indicative of malicious petty attacks=
19 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann under the front seat of the car=my wife copped a $253 penalty for not showing permit in a disabled park=this has happened
20 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Police report NO. 11/W36184=expiation NO. 58727610=someone remove my wifes dissability permit= the dash of car and put it
21 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard LOL yo Gov is a disgracefull and corrupted mess=Yo Gov has supported Native Title exploitation with Union and Gangland assist
26 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard property damages for decades=millions of $ damages re Gov internal, ALRM, and Police corruption=Union & business NT exploit
27 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that assisted us re security=Union based gang attacks upon our family=unemployment,business &
29 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that offered us oprotection lol=Union related gang attacks upon our employment,business, proerty
31 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard lol u are directly implicated into the gang attacks upon our family=Union links=CFMEU in our dreaming lol=gang attacks relate
34 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard since change of Howard Gov we have received further damages gang related=no intervention by your Gov=no security protection
36 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard we have been terrorised by Aboriginal gangs and bikers for decades=limited Police action=no security=accept Howard Gov
38 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Union and gang standover tactics has rruined our business and caused us to receive major financial damage=unemployment
39 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard organized crime, biker gangs and criminals linked to the Unions lol=massive damage to our property over the last three decades
40 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard no legal or Native Title representation=exploitation of our Native Title rights and heritage=our security is threatened by
42 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard legal protection for gang members and Aboriginal confirmation by the ALRM=but our security is threatened=no confirmation=
43 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/inside-the-gang-of-49/story-e6frea83-1225851579015
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard upon our family=gang of 49 type attacks upon us=linked ALRM=linked Native Title exploitation=linked Aboriginal confirmation
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard three times previously and the Council has mae my wife pay the expiation notice=this is indicative of malicious petty attacks=
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard under the front seat of the car=my wife copped a $253 penalty for not showing permit in a disabled park=this has happened
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Police report NO. 11/W36184=expiation NO. 58727610=someone removed my wifes dissability permit from the dash of car and put it

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Comments to Prime Minister Gillard on Twitter regarding Seurity matters

That's you! Lists

Your lists: @JuliaGillard the Fed AG and the Fed police shud hve the gist of things lol=we trust in yo security t protect us while matters proceed :)
5 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard u kinda keep hopin its gunna stop but never does=another day same shit lol hahaha :)bet u got some issues wit yo situ lol:)
7 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard lol I think I jus hav to accept dat there will be a certain level of corruption in politics=we hav t get used to that=:)
9 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete allmost like I was set up by the folk on the committee lol hahaha :) do u think that cud be possible? :)wonder wat else de gunna do hahah:)
10 minutes ago via web
Delete @JuliaGillard its funny how my tutor was involved wit my work employment placement wit WLBC=n my cadetship wit EPA lol=that did not work out
12 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard now that was an interesting meeting lol=all the people there jus seem t be associated t my issues lol=some even my tutors lol
15 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Minutes of Meeting No 9. Meeting held Tuesday 8th May 2007 Level 2, Yungondi Building, Uni SA Campus, City West, Adelaide
16 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard if we are aware of security problems and corruption associated to Native Title u can be sure that we will advise yo Gov lol:)
23 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard lol=security is everything in the modern world=without that our people =murdered and there rights taken lol=u prolly kno dat):
25 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard we will stand tough lol t protect the security of our people and there property=human rights lore and priori Indig rights:)
27 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard seems as though we might be left satndin when the Aboriginal system crashes omg=we will stand tough lol=
30 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard The dreams are a little on the negative side lol=seems that our adversaries are gunna go for a low duck dive in desperarion:)
32 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard 4am on Sunday Mornin and we start work lol=great time of the day after a good nights sleep hahah :)inspired=the dreams to act)

NRM Council Aboriginal Statewide Advisory Committee

NRM Council
Aboriginal Statewide Advisory Committee

Minutes of Meeting No 9. Meeting held Tuesday 8th May 2007 from 12:30pm-5:00pm
Level 2, Yungondi Building, Uni SA Campus, City West, 70 North Terrace, Adelaide

1. Welcome and Introduction

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and acknowledged the meeting was being held on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people.

Peter paid respects to Veronica Brodie who passed away recently. Veronica was a strong defender of Aboriginal rights and a respected and loved elder. Members held a one-minute silence in memory of the Late Veronica Brodie.

Present: Peter Buckskin (Chair), Lynette Crocker, Fraser Vickery, Tim Hartman, Karina Lester, Donald Fraser, Carolyn Ireland, Marilyn Ah Chee and Charlie Jackson (proxy for George Cooley).

Apologies: Debra Haseldine, Hughie Windlass, George Cooley, Mitch Dunnett, Derek Walker, John Chester and Andrew Johnson.

In Attendance: David Hanna (Executive Support DWLBC).

2. Minutes

Fraser Vickery moved and Lynette Crocker seconded that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. The Committee resolved to confirm the minutes as a correct record of the February 2007 meeting of ASAC.

3. Business Arising From Previous Minutes

David Hanna summarised each of the 9 actions from the previous meeting. The majority were noted as completed with further discussion on those outstanding as follows:

Action 2 (Meeting 8) - Obtain outstanding reports from all regions regarding NRM Transition Project.

David Hanna reported that he had received correspondence from David New that the Steering Committee had asked him to stop working on the regional report deliverable part of the transition project.

It was noted that information is starting to be posted on the regional notice boards section of the website (www.aboriginalnrm.com), the Skills Register is being developed and will be functional at the end of the month.

Action 3 (Meeting 8) - Update CDEP information and provide a list of titleholders of ALT lands on the www.aboriginalnrm.com.

This action will be undertaken by David New as part of loading the Internet site with further information.

Action 7 (Meeting 8) - Draft ASAC Work Plan.

This action was deferred to this meeting (meeting # 9) so it could be discussed as a group.

Action 8 (Meeting 7) - ASAC members to provide comments to Debra Haseldine on volunteers in Aboriginal communities.

Debra was absent from the meeting and therefore this item was deferred.

4. Correspondence

Letter to Chair of ALT

Peter Buckskin wrote to George Tongerie, Chair of the Aboriginal Lands Trust on 16th April inviting the ALT to participate in ASAC meetings. A copy of the letter was circulated to all members in attendance.

Peter noted that he had received a call from John Chester earlier that day indicating that he was not going to be able to attend the ASAC meeting on behalf of ALT as he was were busy preparing material for the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Peter noted that the ALT has major concerns with the changes being made to their legislation regarding appointment of members to Boards. It is now the responsibility of the Chief Executive of Department of Premier and Cabinet to appoint members to the ALT. It was noted that the government did not consult with the ALT before making this decision.

The Aboriginal Lands Trust is a very important Aboriginal organisation. It produced the ground -breaking “Strategy for Aboriginal Managed Lands in South Australia” (SAMLISA) report. Since the NRM Act was proclaimed and the introduction of NRM Boards, the ALT has had to compete with other contractors for funding to carry out on-ground works. The ALT has not been able to win the same level of funding it has in the past and therefore its base has been eroded.

Concern was expressed that current governance arrangements, including the regional NRM model, is causing increasing disharmony between Aboriginal nations and Aboriginal organisations and an erosion of the rights of Aboriginal people. Though ASAC is established to deal with NRM matters from an Aboriginal perspective it is impossible to separate caring for the land from health and welfare issues.

Review of regional investment strategies

ASAC provided comment on the regional NRM board investment strategies. A copy of this correspondence was circulated to members in attendance.

David Hanna outlined the responsibility of the Council Assessment Sub-committee (CASc) to review the investment strategies on behalf of NRM Council. CASc invited ASAC to comment on the Aboriginal aspects of the regional investment strategies. ASAC provided comment on only two of the eight NRM regional investment strategies. Peter indicated that this was a failure on behalf of ASAC.

Peter noted that he was concerned that ASAC are not supporting Karina Lester adequately in her role on the NRM Council and stated that this is an area that ASAC must improve upon.

Lynette suggested we could do business differently and meet as a group to discuss the regional investment strategies. Karina noted that it is important to have Aboriginal people on each of the NRM Boards as this would help ASAC members in their role in reviewing the regional documents.

Letter from Merv Lewis re Aboriginal membership on the Northern & Yorke (N&Y) NRM Board

David Hanna circulated the letter that Merv Lewis (Chair of N&Y) sent to Dennis Mutton (Chair of NRM Council) in relation to the reasons why N&Y NRM Board has not yet nominated someone for ASAC.

Charlie noted that it seems that people are scared that their decision to nominate a particular Aboriginal person may pre-empt who is the native title-holders. They should not be worried about this. Charlie’s advice to Merv is to make the decision. Peter noted that there is an issue of representation versus advocacy. Whoever is appointed to an NRM Board or an ASAC position must be an advocate for the Aboriginal people in their area. Peter noted that he doesn’t represent anyone as Chair of ASAC but he can make some inroads through his networks and he can represent the Indigenous perspective.

Lynette noted that one Aboriginal person who had nominated for a position on the N&Y NRM Board was not successful.

Karina Lester suggested that ASAC could nominate some Aboriginal people to sit on the N&Y NRM Board and ASAC. After some discussion ASAC resolved to recommend the following people to Merv Lewis through a letter from Peter Buckskin to Dennis Mutton:

• Rose Turner
• Doug Turner
• Quentin Augius
• Clinton Wanganeen
• Vincent Branson (Nudgerri)

It was agreed that all of these people have appropriate networking skills and are familiar with natural resources management and therefore any one of them would be a good advocate for the region.

It was also agreed that David Hanna would find out who has already been put forward as a nomination to Northern & Yorke and those people would also be included as recommended nominations from ASAC.

It was agreed that a gender balance should be aimed for in the recommendations from ASAC to Northern & Yorke.

Charlie Jackson indicated that he would raise at presiding members forum the importance of Aboriginal membership on NRM Boards and the commitment of those Boards to having a member on ASAC and supporting that member.

ACTION: ASAC to write to Dennis Mutton requesting him to forward ASAC’s suggested nominations for N&Y’s representation on ASAC to the Presiding Member of the Northern & Yorke NRM Board. David Hanna to prepare first draft on behalf of ASAC.

5. Member update

Peter Buckskin (Chair)

Peter will continue discussions with the School of Natural and Built Environment at Uni SA Mawson Lakes Campus to see if ASAC could engage some students doing their honours to undertake some work on behalf of ASAC. Peter indicated that the Head of School is interested in further discussions and has endorsed in principle this approach. This initiative will not cost ASAC anything as the University will pay for the work the students do and it is great for the graduates as it makes their degrees more relevant by contributing to the here and now. This initiative can be flagged in the ASAC Work Plan.

Marking the 50 years since NADOC is an opportunity for Aboriginal people to reignite reconciliation. Peter noted that $460m needs to be injected into Aboriginal health in Australia.

Peter noted that he is starting work on 3 national consultancies, which will keep him busy from June through to August. This will prevent him doing much work for ASAC during this time.

Peter’s time in his role with the university is split between 40% research, 40% teaching and 20% community work. ASAC is part of his community work component.

Peter noted that ASAC only has minimal resources and it is difficult to be proactive and make strategic interventions with minimal resourcing. ASAC has to be smart where it intervenes and how aggressively it drives that intervention.

ASAC to date has provided a good opportunity to have a yarn about Indigenous issues in a culturally aware and culturally safe space.

Karina Lester (NRM Council)

NRM Council met on Friday 4th May. Some of the NRM Council members were a bit worried about government administrative boundary issues and asked Karina to talk to ASAC about this issue.

Minister Gago will be attending the July meeting of NRM Council. This presents an opportunity for ASAC to influence what NRM Council discuss with the Minister.

Karina noted that Peter Buckskin and Dennis Mutton are going to talk about communication issues at some point.

NRM Council has endorsed Kent Martin as a proxy for Karina Lester on ASAC.

A significant piece of work that NRM Council is undertaking is the principles for distributing state government funds to regions.

Marilyn Ah Chee (AW)

Oodnadatta is a town that is 94% Aboriginal people. The town’s folk have been charged with a levy for receiving television. Oodnadatta receives four channels: 7, Imparja, ABC and SBS. Two of these stations have been cut off because the town have not paid their levy. The town is also faced with very high electricity bills. Marilyn indicated that she and others had tried to protest their case but to no avail. Chairman of Progress Association has something to do with it however the Outback Areas Trust was thought to be ultimately responsible. Disappointment was registered with the way that Adam Plate is administrating matters at Oodnadatta.

Action: Peter Buckskin to write to Outback Areas Trust registering ASAC’s disappointment with this matter (with a copy to Dennis Mutton).

Lynette Crocker (A&MLR)

The 4 nations group meets every 2 months. This group has developed a 4 nation service level agreement with the NRM Board. They have also developed a strategic alliance plan, which is being put to the board in June with the protocol document and the tools of knowledge document. The 4 nations group have recently been discussing the bigger picture – particularly what the natural resources management landscape will look like in 50 years.

The A&MLR Board have been briefed on a whole range of matters. The Board understands the importance of “selling” the levy to community (what is it for – what is it going towards). Local Councils will collect the levy on behalf of the Board.

Funds for natural resources management is dispersed through the Investment Strategy. When applications come in we sit down and review. Lynette sits on a Coast and Marine committee. There is another national organisation called Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA’s). Local Govt Association and Wilderness Society have helped with a petition regarding management of the St Vincent coast line. Lynette indicated she could send out IPA grant information to interested ASAC members.

The A&MLR NRM Board supported the Conservation Café, which was part of the Port Festival from April 21 - 29. The Conservation Café supported Aboriginal cultural pathways and NRM engagement and Lynette suggested that it was an excellent way to engage people.

Participated in a riverboat tour of the Port River, which included a talk about the history and significance of the Port. Information about the history of the area is very important. Pat Harbison from St Vincent Gulf friends group came and gave a presentation.

Lynette suggested there could be a Caring for Country Unit that would help deliver NRM outcomes for Aboriginal people.

Lynette is on the Board and Committee to make a difference for Aboriginal people.

Conflict of interest is an issue for Aboriginal people on multiple boards. This is an area where ASAC could support Aboriginal people.

Lynette suggested recording sites with video so you don’t have to rely on written text.

Fraser Vickery (KI)

Fraser indicated he is hoping to get more engagement with Kaurna and Ngarrindgerri people.

Organising cultural awareness training for the KI NRM Board members. In response Charlie suggested that cultural awareness training should always be done on land (not in the city) to give white people exposure to Aboriginal culture.

Fraser’s main role is to report back to the KI NRM Board about the outcomes of ASAC meetings.

Tim Hartman (SE)

Tim is the Chair of the South East Indigenous Focus Group. The Focus Group has representatives from the family groups in the region. The South East NRM Board is good at engaging with Aboriginal people in the region however they do not have an Aboriginal person on their NRM Board.

The Indigenous Focus Group has looked at all the Aboriginal sites in the region. The Focus Group has started doing on-ground works with funds allocated for Aboriginal lands in the SE. Issues being addressed include old wells, animal control, fencing and cleaning up rubbish on land.

Robin Campbell has ably filled the role of Aboriginal Land Coordinator while Leonie Casey has been sick. Leonie is recovering well and may be able to continue her work again soon.

The whole SE NRM Board has completed cultural awareness training.

Carolyn Ireland (SA AL)

Thanked all members for being welcomed to ASAC. Important to keep the dialogue going.

The SA Arid Lands NRM Board meet 6 times a year for 2 days at a time. Fred Tanner resigning from the board and ASAC was a big loss. He was a great attribute to the Arid Lands. With Fred’s help they came up with a Board guideline for Aboriginal engagement. All staff have been through the cultural awareness training.

The SA Arid Lands NRM Board are meeting at Woomera later this month, which will be a time for inducting the 6 NRM groups. Caroline noted that most NRM Groups have an Aboriginal member.

The SA AL NRM board is in the process of nominating an Aboriginal person for ASAC.

ACTION: Peter Buckskin to write a letter to Fred Tanner thanking him for his contribution on ASAC.

Charlie Jackson (AW)

Has a meeting with 2 Ministers regarding APY lands on Friday morning. What Aboriginal people want is completely different to what the white people want.

AW gets $2.5m NHT money. Also eligible for lots more money through other sources. Suggested that Arid Lands get some money to focus on Aboriginal engagement.

Concern about the Aboriginal communities outside of AW as there seems there are going to be a lot of programs that Aboriginal people will miss out on.

Expressed concern that if the Aboriginal Lands Trust is eroded, the Aboriginal lands will not be managed.

Donald Fraser

Donald had nothing to add to Charlies update.

6. ASAC Work Plan

There was general discussion about how ASAC might function in the future. The key points are listed as follows:

• Lynette suggested that if 1% of the total levy money collected by Councils for NRM was provided to the Aboriginal State Advisory Committee they could function much more effectively.
• Karina suggested that she could support ASAC (in conjunction with David) as she has more time available at the moment. Perhaps there is an opportunity for her to access a computer within DWLBC?
• Suggested that a new vision is created. This will help spread the message to other Aboriginal people.
• Suggested that ASAC members receive an IT allowance to help cover costs out-of-session. Caroline indicated that SA Arid Lands NRM Board members receive a one off payment.
• Karina recalled that some time back ASAC wrote to each Presiding Member asking them what engagement policy they have in place for Aboriginal people. Karina asked what response we received from the Presiding Members.
• Suggested a one-day workshop with general discussion at the start, then engagement of Chairs of Aboriginal Advisory Groups and then an ASAC facilitated session.
• ASAC needs to ensure that what they say they are going to deliver is achievable.
• Carolyn suggested that ASAC start by highlighting their achievements to date. This will help plan for the future.
• The Resource Manual for Engagement of Aboriginal People has been developed and this will be an excellent resource for NRM workers.
• ASAC engagement has not worked too well to date because of capacity. To do this ASAC needs some more support.
• Noted that the workshop should not clash with NADOC week or Reconciliation week.
• Important to draw on good work being done by SA Murray Darling Basin and SA Arid Lands NRM Board.
• Employment of Aboriginal people is crucial in natural resources management. This will help with self-determination and empowerment.
• Engaging students at the Indigenous School, Uni SA City West Campus to undertake research on behalf of ASAC.

ACTION: Karina to work with Peter, Charlie and David to develop a process for a one-day workshop. The workshop will be split into two halves. The first half would be ASAC members and the Chairs of Indigenous Focus Groups. The second part of the day will be for ASAC members to develop the work plan taking into account the recommendations from the morning.

ACTION: David Hanna to ask John Gavin how much the IT allowance payment is that SA Arid Land NRM board members receive.

7. Other Business

Karina noted that there is no Aboriginal person on the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board. Mitch Dunnett is on the Indigenous Focus Group but not on the Board.

Charlie noted that some Boards seem to be using Native Title claims as an excuse to not have indigenous participation on the Board.

Peter remarked that it was great to see Charlie Jackson at ASAC as he is a Presiding Member of one of the Boards.

ACTION: Peter Buckskin to write to Dennis Mutton urging him to write to Brian Foster in regard Aboriginal membership on the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board.

8. Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday 7th August, 9am – 5pm.

Venue: Level 2 Conference Room, Yungondi Building, Uni SA, City West Campus, 70 North Terrace, Adelaide.

9. Close

The Chairperson closed the meeting at 4.00pm.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

email to attorney@ag.gov.au & tony.abbott@ag.gov.au & premier@saugov.sa.gov.au

http://kaurna-ngarrindjeriarts.blogspot.com/2010/07/rann-gillarddream-protien.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemnaoideae http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf990463s

I have abreviated the dreaming as much as possible to save time and stress. There is more but I will keep that within unless I need to expose issues. If I speak in plain scientific base-terms then it is easy to understand and I base my information upon intuition from within the dreaming. I hope this may assist you with policy for the future. I am certain that the Indigenous communities will work with you to use Indigenous Protected Areas=(IPA) to help with bio water cleaning in situ, sustainable food production and the recharging of aquifers with good-conditioned water.
ps please pass this information on to Prime Minister Gillard as I do not have that current email and I do not wish to express a personal political bias. Thankyou and good luck with the election :)

Premier Rann and Prime Minister Gillard=Dream Protien Powder+Brodbean Flour

@PremierMikeRann mining+ Industry is important=but food production and carbon sequestration=essential=world food shortage=mass deaths ): OK
less than 10 seconds ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann ground+ grey water needs to be held in situ =bio remediation=+food production=aquifer regeneration=when clean
1 minute ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann every possible resouce needs to be directed into sustainable agricultural practices=+ water condition+holding capacity
2 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann world staple supplement urgently required=pollinators=beas are in trouble=in dreaming=Asia+Europe will be hit=food supply=
3 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann duckwee=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemnaoideae=monocot=asexual reproduction=cleans water= protein=ideal crop=city,urban
3 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann dream= broad bean flour and protein powder=why=IPA for sustainable agriculture=water retention +purification+food product
4 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard mining and Industry is important=but food production and carbon sequestration=essential=world food shortage=mass deaths ): OK
6 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard ground+ grey water needs to be held in situ =bio remediation=+food production=aquifer regeneration=when clean
8 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard every possible resouce needs to be directed into sustainable agricultural practices=+ water condition+holding capacity
10 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard world staple supplement urgently required=pollinators=beas are in trouble=in dreaming=Asia+Europe will be hit=food supply=
11 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard duckwee=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemnaoideae=monocot=asexual reproduction=cleans water=high protein=ideal crop=city,urban
14 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard broad beans cud subsidise grain crops=nitrogen fixation=natural nitrogen =soil regeneration +bio mass=carbon sequestration
21 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard dream=about broad bean flour and protein powder=why=IPA for sustainable agriculture=water retention +purification+food product

Monday, July 19, 2010

Prime Minister Gillard and Premier Rann=more of the same

@PremierMikeRann Gov an Unions cant jus bribe the Indigenous people u want that u kno u can manipulate=to get controll over priori rights):
less than 10 seconds ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard Yo Gov an Unions cant jus bribe the Indigenous people u want that u kno u can manipulate=to get controll over priori rights):
2 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Consistancy lol=fair distribution of Indigenous Heritage rights=de do not jus belong t the Unions and big business lol :)

Premier Rann and Prime Minister Gillard Indigenous Protection+Priori Rights Recogniton+IPA=Commons+Sustainable Agriculture+Carbon Sequetration

@PremierMikeRann ++++ Think Indigenous protection=sustainable bio mass production and carbon sequestration=Policy,sustainabilty lol=susagric
less than 10 seconds ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard ++++ Think Indigenous protection=sustainable bio mass production and carbon sequestration=Policy =sustainabilty lol=sus agric

Gillard and Gov uses Consultants=In the Dreaming

Your lists: @JuliaGillard In the dreaming lol=we are not doing well=we are being exploited and treated wrong=if that change we will say thankyou=if if):
7 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEnJDaqT3-0 in the dreaming lol=yo consultants wont cover yo sins of Indigenous exploitation):
9 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @PremierMikeRann http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEnJDaqT3-0 In the dreaming lol=International law priori Indigenous rights :)
11 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann the dreaming tells us that yo Gov uses consultants t do yo dirty business lol=that is gutless underhanded behavior ):
14 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann this is all a part of our dreaming and our story of exploitation and abuse=abhorent exploitation of NT families lol
15 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Yo Gov is more interested in lining the pockets of yo consultants and Unions with Indigenous heritage funds=priori rights
16 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Premier=Your Gov adversaries are not beyond reproach=How we have been treated NT holder=Gov hve a terrible record of abuses
18 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete Thankyu twitter for the forum=gd night :)D
about 7 hours ago via web
Delete @PremierMikeRann yo Gov interpretation of NT law is insulting and archaic=dinosaur lol=prolly not even legal lol=nonsense wat u doin OK):

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A mess of the Blues LOL

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipO33Awke0M dreamed I was singin this song jus befo Mr Rudd went lol hahaha :)u belive me?=good luc :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tweets t Julia Gillard and aallee=bout lore, priori human rights an heritage

@aalleena this is not in my hands an I kno yu well enough t kno dat yu are aware o dat lol=hve agreat day :)
3 minutes ago via web in reply to aalleena
Delete @JuliaGillard with respect t yo office lol but our lore still stands in the dreamin :)^^
6 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard dont matter if yu man woman anyone=lore applies in dreamin in Australia=heritage lol and priori rights hahaha :)in de dreamin^
11 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard not so simple t interfere into Aboriginal heritage and rights lol=there is price t pay cus o lore,that will be payed=promise
13 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard legislation dont mean a thing if yu in violation of lore hahaha :)de oath will fix dat corruption lol cu o International law:)
16 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard this is how the International articles of human rights protects de blood(heritage) under lore=legislation=wat dat lol :)
18 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard anyone decieves the blood an lore o de region and does not respect lore will have trouble eventually in de dreamin lol ;)
19 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard anyone who does not understand lore or Kadashi should not come t Australia cus u all under dat lore lol=cus of oath
21 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard lol=Aboriginal lore still stands=blood fo region by hritage=de oath bring u under lore lol in de dreamin=nuthin anyone can do)
22 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @aalleena thanks lol=I really appreciate you and yo freinship :)D
27 minutes ago via web in reply to aalleena
Delete @aalleena see wat comes next=I cant take a deal if dat implicates violation of lore=so they need t get rid of me hahaha :)mo o de same lol:)
28 minutes ago via web in reply to aalleena
Delete @aalleena I see them come and go in politics and only 1 Prime Minister trusted me=they kno I will cut them to uphold lore=my job n dreamin

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dream Rachael and the Pimp

Kym dreamed that that he saw two couples in his drive way, a man and a woman, they came to the front door and wanted to do some sort of business agreement. Kym dreamed of one of his friends from Indonesia called Violene came to see Kym. Rachael (Kym's ex wife in law) said I am glad you are here because I can go to my bed now and do what I do best. Rachael was then fraternizing with a young man, a pimp looking character, he was wearing a flannel shirt, with jeans and he had a goaty beard and mustache. Kym intervened and insisted that Rachael come away from him and come back into the house. Violene was outside and appeared to be much younger than she is and she was wearing a white cowboy hat. In the dream Kym was somewhat overwhelmed by the circumstances but coped with that.
Key words: Rachael, Violene, Kym, pimp, Indonesia, house, cowboy hat.
Rachael conveyed after hearing the dream that she lost her virginity to a pimp on Good Friday 1997. Rachael said that the guy in the dream fits the description of the pimp that took her virginity back then. Rachael first met this guy when she was ten years old and was attracted to him, he came back for her when she turned sixteen. He left Rachael after the affair ended and and Rachael has conveyed that she now knows that he never intended to be true to her.

The Hands by Isobel Maxwell

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Isobel Maxwell

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Dream England Stange Plant and Fog

Kym dreamed of his supervisor in the Aboriginal section of UNISA and that we were very close, as if related in some way. We were working something out and Kym saw a porn-broker in the dream. He quickly went into a safe and got out some money, Kym ended with $80 and was showing that to his ex wife Rachael.
Then Kym was in England and he saw an older man who was suffering from very bad sinus problems (hay-fever)Kym asked him why and he said "because of the car fumes". Kym asked the man which way is London and he pointed. Kym went outside to look in the direction he pointed and there were massive clouds over the hills in that direction. The clouds were billowing and heading towards us. Then a strange plant started to grow up from under a ledge as we were standing on a ledge and we became afraid but the plant passed over our heads with no harm to us. The other person with me said that he hated that when it happens. The clouds and masses of fog were billowing down a valley in the distant hills and heading for us. The sight in the dream was awesome to see and frightening. After this there were clear skies over where London was pointed to be in the dream.
Aboriginal business, Aboriginal tribal relationship,sinus infections, London, excessive air moisture and clouds, a strange plant that grew quickly (biomass) and clear skies follow.


virginta (Bosen)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

European Exploitation Aboriginal Heritage Culture

From: Kym Maxwell
To: attorney@ag.gov.au
Cc: premier@saugov.sa.gov.au
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:07 AM
Subject: Police interrogation of my family was not required

It has been noted that my family was interrogated by the Police yesterday at Challa Gardens Primary school in relation to a trivial family matter. That was acknowledged by the police and school. Although the school professes that they have to be cautious this was really an over reaction on their behalf.=European assault upon Aboriginal people using the wrong appropriation and uses of law=typical behavior of Europeans and corrupted Aboriginal associates, who are intent upon the abuses of law to steal Aboriginal heritage and property.

These matters are noted within the dreaming and our story of absolute abuse and the exploitation of our heritage, culture and family.=shame on you.

European Exploitation: Law VS Lore

In the main it appears to be Europeans do not understand Indigenous tribal lore. It appears that law is used by Europeans to undermine lore = exploitation. It may be that European people and Governments will take every opportunity to undermine Aboriginal cultures, even to the point of using criminal and deceptive means. Aboriginal people have a right to there heritage and culture, Europeans have a vested interest into destroying Indigenous rights to heritage and culture as it is a method employed to steal Aboriginal property, knowledge and intellectual property. How many Aboriginal people have been exploited, murdered, imprisoned and disadvantaged by the unfair implementation of law, without due consideration being given to tribal lore?.
The bone and the dreaming is against Europe and there decedents, their cruel and inhuman activities will not go on without notice. The assault upon humanity via the indiscriminate and improper uses of law has been noted in the dreaming and this may be reconciled within the realms of natural law = payback from within the spiritual realms.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bright Side Of Road

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6106337077691231996# Bright side of the road=I quarter Irish to=my 1st lover Irish girl 18=I was 8
I talkin to u bout my life an how I affected dreamin(Aboriginal lore)=last nite had a dream dat I sortin out stuff in dreamin=no trouble:)=in peaceful way=summit to do wit University

Friday, March 12, 2010

Turtle Dream & Visit by Dolphin: The Womans Part

Hands as soft as the best Egyptian cotton fit for a baby which ads in the gentle touch, along with the warm sweet calming sent of Vanilla <3 VANILLA: Burned to attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the powers of the mind.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Water Policy Indigenous Lore and Rites

Hi Lee, this is an informal note to Minister Weatherill. Thoughts about the Liberal storm water for drinking policy (I am an under grad, envir science, UNISA Mawson)
1 No considerations has been given to bio remediation of polluted water before filtration for drinking=recommend=ponding of a substantial body of water for bio cleaning before filtration.
2 The question as to the Native Title settlements and rites=including Indigenous knowledge, intellectual property and the rites therein=conjoined to spacial=those spatial properties linked to data (GIS Ark Map)=have not been established or settled
3 The need to hold a substantial body of water resources as equity for the peoples of Australia has not been considered and also the matter of reserves held as equity in case of a National emergency (climate change)
4 No mention of water for cultural flows=rivers and creeks are dry on plains=bio delinquency.
5 The issues of the need for bodies of water to be held on the ground for ecological sustainability and biodiversity on the Adelaide plains. Again this could be held as a joint equity by the Government and the Aboriginal people and managed responsibly on behalf of the people of Australia.
Isobel Redmond and the Liberals intend to hijack the water and to do a rough job on remediation of pollution that will lead to further problems=ecological, legal, economic, cultural and heritage. The waters on the ground are conjoined to the intellectual property, knowledge and those rites within that. As an Elder of the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri peoples I do not believe they have that rite to exploit lore.
I am an advocate for water trading and economic benefits=once the hard yards are done and we have good policy for sustainability and resources in reserve.
It is my understanding that the policy of the current Labor Party has considered the points I have made in there current water policy. I wish you well with your endeavors as the fundamental aspects of respect for country are proposed to be observed and enacted.

Yours sincerely Kym Maxwell, the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri family, Title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Related to the dream about the guns for my girl being turned on me

Kym Maxwell to the office of the Federal Attorney General

Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri Arts=blog

There is a dream posted on the blog that continues my dreaming story associated to the little girl in my house dream. It appears that some in the country are becoming teste as to my circumstances. This could relate to associated issues that deal with Aboriginal resources, property and intellectual property rites. The girl thing is only an excuse to murder me. I will wait and see what comes in the dreaming as I continue to respond with my actions to this dream=obviously a warning that something is a foot.

Yours sincerely the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri family, Title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore

A message to the minister

Hello Minister Weatherill from Kym Maxwell

The dreams are now all about issues in Aboriginal lore, marriage and being patient with and caring for those in my dreaming. Whilst as an Aboriginal man=respecting both the people concerned and the law/lore. You might say that the dreams are about nurturing and caring for the young and caring for family in lore.
I have been honored with a work placement within the office of the DWLBC and I have noted that the work the Government is currently doing within Aboriginal business is in accord with my dreams. A theme that I have noted=patience and most of all consistency=as a child needs security, safety and confidence as they grow.
I commend your latest initiatives that I have seen and I wish you you well with your understandings of the Australian people and there needs.

Yours sincerely the Kaurna-Ngarrindjei family. Title holders and custodians of lore

The gun for who abuses my girl was turned on me until I explained

Please read this Dream story from the bottom to the top. This exactly how I psoted this on my twitter account

@aalleena yeh check out my time line. My dreams have turned nasty. Dat is a warnin to me I think. I see wat comes next?

@WhereAngelsCome Check out my time line and the dreaming bout the house and the gun. Some guy want to shoot me=I sorted that with him

@7vnL0v3Lyrics It appears that If I don't continue to honor and protect her that I will be in some degree of trouble. 5 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics There is a yung Aborig woman who has come into my life and who came into my house in the dreaming for protection. 8 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics I explained that if she is hurt that I have left instructions for anyone hurts her to be shot for me? He was ok wit dat. 10 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics He sat down and I explained about a situation I have with a young lady who has fallen for me. I explain that if she hurt 11 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics I said to the other guy to tell him not to shoot cus I was an innocent man. I told the guy with the gun to sit right with me 13 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics As I was leaving the hous an walkin down the drive the guy with the gun was gunna shoot me so i went down behind a stone wall 14 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics The guy with the gun was showing me that it was loaded and how to load it and he was pointing the gun at me. I said dont 16 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

@7vnL0v3Lyrics Hi I had another dream that I was at someones house with some guys I didn't know. One was OK wit me but the other had gun 17 minutes ago via web in reply to 7vnL0v3Lyrics

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nurturing Family

Hello Minister Weatherill from Kym Maxwell

The dreams are now all about issues in Aboriginal lore, marriage and being patient with and caring for those in my dreaming. Whilst as an Aboriginal man=respecting both the people concerned and the law/lore. You might say that the dreams are about nurturing and caring for the young and caring for family in lore.
I have been honored with a work placement within the office of the DWLBC and I have noted that the work the Government is currently doing within Aboriginal business is in accord with my dreams. A theme that I have noted=patience and most of all consistency=as a child needs security, safety and confidence as they grow.
I commend your latest initiatives that I have seen and I wish you you well with your understandings of the Australian people and there needs.

Yours sincerely the Kaurna-Ngarrindjei family. Title holders and custodians of lore

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Crime gangs=Gov weak in Australia put up with trash management

----- Original Message -----
From: Kym Maxwell
To: Liberal Opposition
Cc: tony.abbott@ag.gov.au
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 12:43 PM
Subject: Fw: crime gangs

To the opposition=you need to pull your finger out and put some more stress onto this issue of Indigenous exploitation=community exploitation. The protection of property, rites, resources and bio mass is beneficial to the whole community both Indigenous and European. If you are greedy and support the persecution of innocent Indigenous folk in order to protect business and developers. You may be acting as partners within crimes committed against humanity and you could be charged for that=negligence to honor a duty of care and within an International court of law. Same goes for the Government that are in occupation of Aboriginal Territories. You have an obligation to provide a duty of care for those who are afflicted in such a way=happy hunting for the crims (including the Indigenous criminals who are working for the untoward elements)=you have our total support. We wont stop complaining until you have control over crime. Thankyou
----- Original Message -----
From: Kym Maxwell
To: minister.wright@saugov.sa.gov.au
Cc: Mansell, Mel
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 12:25 PM
Subject: crime gangs

To MIchael Wright from the Kaurna Ngarrindjeri family

The crime gangs within the Adelaide plains are linked to the system, Gov and business. The gangs are being paid by business and developers to do there dirty work to assist with the exploitation of Aboriginal heritage. We are Native Title holders by blood and have documents within the Federal Court of Australia. It is our aim to protect Indigenous property and people from exploitations by organized crime. (on some occasioned actually linked into the system)
We have been damaged recently by petty crime (annoying property damages that are hard to prove) and we understand that the offenders are linked to local gangs that are linked to Bikers.(motor cycle gangsters)
It would be appreciated if you could get in control over these gangsters and the people directing them
Yours sincerely the Kaurna Ngarrindjeri family, Title holders and custodian of the dreaming and law/lore. (you might be surprised who and where the criminals are, that link into this=even in your own departments as was shown with the Buckskin

Crime miserable gangs need some attention by the Authorities

From: Kym Maxwell
To: premier@saugov.sa.gov.au
Cc: attorney@ag.gov.au
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 12:57 PM
Subject: Work it out before they do more damage?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32bADh42QqI melbourne gangsters,jason moran

The Hells Angels and others associated were linked to this crime family. Perhaps more of the same correctional services are required before more innocent people are damaged=dont be gutless pleas=lives are at risk

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Painting by Kym Maxwell

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Dream Woman Connected to Kym on Twitter

Kym had a dream that he saw a vision of the image of a woman on the twitter sight that will be connected to him. Her identity was not clear and the connection was not definite as to how that would be. I will wait upon the outcome an further dreams

Ngarrindjeri Shield

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Sick of Indigenous Woman Being Damaged by Gangsters

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Little Girl in the House Dream
The Dream: Kym was asleep and in the dream he was awoken by a violent rattling of the bedroom door. At first he didn't realize that someone was there but again their was the noise at the door. There was someone in our house and Kym was terrified to the pit of his guts. Kym got out of bed and went from room to room yelling who's there, who are you and the terror continued. Suddenly Kym turned and there was his daughter Isobel with a little girl about eight years old and she was crying. She was in danger from the street gangs and she had come into our house for protection. Kym was distraught and saying to his wife wake up there's a little girl in our house and we have to call the Police. We have to find her mother. Kym went to his mother’s house and said we have a little girl with us and we have to call the Police. She is lost and we can’t find her mother.

Out of 1-10 for intensity and importance: This dream is a 10. There are numerous ways to interpret this dream but it is best that we wait and see what unfolds now. But make no mistake things will come to light and the little girl will be safe in our house.
Posted by Kym Maxwell at 10:43 AM
Labels: Dreaming Stories Ngarrindjeri +

David Blight Dust my Broom Elmore James
Dream cafe at Salisbury and charging Eighty dollars for a sandwich.
Dream nigga trying to bite me an Dave Small at Semaphore workers club. Dave said I could not play guitar and that they were not interested in dusty old violins
Dream Kym Rachael=girls mother and Kym further connected to girl=sweetheart

The music, vice chancellor James McWha, we are relying on that friendship.
----- Original Message -----

From: Kym Maxwell
To: attorney@ag.gov.au
Cc: attorney-general@agd.sa.gov.au
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: The criminal bike-lawyer capers continue BLBLBVLBLB the dreams reveal why we are being shadowed by crims

From Kym and Rachael Maxwell to the honorable Robert McClelland and to the honorable Michael Atkinson (federal &state ag)

Recently both Kym and Rachael have noted that we are being shadowed and stalked by a criminal appearing type of person (male).
Kym had a dream last night that he was being harassed by thugs who were trying to extort money from him. They were associated to street kids with psychiatric conditions who were obviously abused and drugged by the thugs.(one of the people in the dream, was previously was known to us as a friend)(the attempted extortion appeared related to that person and associates) The dream proceeded to show a literal war between groups of teenage street factions (the bogans and bikies against the greens so to speak) In the dream, to avoid the conflict Kym hid, and when he was discovered by the eco warriors, they were busily pruning trees and doing what they do. They were friendly to Kym and Kym spent some time in there community and even consented to play music with them when he was offered an electric guitar.(they appeared to be living in a large commune like a squat) Kym and Rachael became separated in the confusion of the conflict. In the dream Kym's mother appeared bringing fish to the eco hippies and she warned Kym that he should return to find Rachael as the eco warriors were consuming large serves of hemp (pipes)(Kym refused to indulge) As Kym was leaving the commune and on good terms, the eco warriors gave Kym there card as we intended to keep in touch.
We are so sick of the filthy bastard bikies and there deviate lawyer associates interfering into NT business. These low life bastards will do anything to get there way and they are abusing young people and using them for sadistic purposes.(generally)
We will not be set up by these morons and nor will we be conned by there antics. We deeply regret that these filthy bastards are harming innocent people and we urge the Government to make a contingency to deal with this.(please forgive us for the use of the strong adjectives and trust that the dreaming will assist to enhance there demise)
Perhaps there is some work to do to improve the standing and appearance of the environmental workers. It appears that some in the system are undermining the work in this area.

Yours sincerely the Kaurna Maxwell family, Title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore

During the last two months my wife and I have separated under "law" pending a divorce. I currently have a relationship with three other females that are connected to me spiritually under "lore". My wife is connected to me under "lore".
It came in the dreaming that my wife asked if she could help me and I also saw my car with a flat battery.(a loss of power due to circumstances) We will continue to be separated under "law"(meeting that criteria) and we will get a divorce. My wife has honored me under "lore" and for that I am eternally grateful as long as she remains true to that. It is my intention to honor any women that become my wives under "lore" and to care for them within that tradition and within my capacity to do that.
We have noted that the gangsters we speak of were a party to matters that have caused the break-down of our marriage agreement under "law" and that "lore" was implemented by us to spiritually protect some of the innocent parties that were being exploited by the criminals-linked.