Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Car Crash Dream

The dream: Kym saw our stall at the Fishermans Wharf Market and there was another person in our stall, a person we did not know.
This might indicate to us that there is a push somewhere for an attempted takeover of our business. We are wearing the bone and some of the bones of those who have exploited our family are in the ground, where they belong and more may follow, in the dreaming.
The dream: Kym visioned that he was driving a car in the Adelaide hills accompanied by two men. We got to a very steep hill and when we tried to drive up it became so steep that it was dangerous to proceed. At that Kym tries to reverse down slowly but there was a pillow blocking his foot from hitting the brake. The car was rapidly moving backwards and Kym was trying to steer away from the edge but he could not see behind the vehicle as we were moving to fast. Kym then tried to apply the hand break, that failed and then he tried a motor cycle break that appeared in the car and that failed. The car careered backwards off of the road, we were falling out of control and the car crashed. Someone assisted one of the guys out of the vehicle and Kym said its ok I am not hurt. His leg was a little sore but apart from that he was ok. When we got out of the crashed car we noted that we had demolished two other cars in someones driveway but it appeared that no harm was done and there were no hard feelings between the injured parties.
Within the concept of Aboriginal business and the history of the many car-dreams, this is a big event approaching. Within this there will be damages and changes, with the appearance that we will be harmed. In fact in the past after each of these dreams, we make noticeable advancement within our Aboriginal business concepts and we tend to always end in a better circumstance and place.
Bring it on.
Yours sincerely the Maxwell Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri family,title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore

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