Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dreaming: The Artist and the Crystals, copyright Kym Maxwell

Kym dreamed that he was talking to a friend of his who is a practicing visual artist. Kym was not happy with him and he told him to take his filthy European views and his shit and that he could off.
Kym is in fact not happy with previous life experiences in the dreaming where his culture-family-people have been disrespected by some who wish to exploit his family and people for their own gain (exploitation of lore). Kym is particularly offended when young women are used by some with the intent to assault and within the context of deceitful behavior within that which dishonors a natural part of life and those souls who have been exploited.
Kym dreamed that he found some beautiful green crystals within his collection. He picked them out because they were so lovely, Kym could not resist to keep them.

To see a crystal in a dream, may signify wholeness, purity, healing, development and unity and this could represent the higher self. The dream may be a metaphor for something in your life that is crystallizing or taking shape.
To dream that you are looking into a crystal, may indicate that you are looking within yourself to find true destiny. Alternatively, it could indicate your outlook of the future.
Energetically Chlo-rite is one of the minerals kingdom’s strongest deepest healer’s - green is all things health, growing and rejuvenation. This healing vibration allows instant release and transformation of any cellular, emotional, chemical or energetic patterns or perceptions which may be unhealthy. Its strong essence of Mother Nature, allows all of our being to heal, and vibrate in harmony and co-creation with her. The addition of Clear Quartz (amplify, energize, clarify and focus)of course intensifies this healing vibration.

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