Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letter to Sydney Sparrow as to how we feel about our place within lore

Hello Sydney Sparrow from Kym Maxwell and Rachael Maxwell

I can see that there are serious issues that need to be sorted in lore and in fact some of these issues have impacted upon my own family in a spiritual way. Crown law does not seem to hold all of the answers for Aboriginal people but rest assured that our family is totally against child abuse in any form and indeed lore is not an excuse to abuse or sexually abuse women, men, or children. In lore those types of abuses should not exist and the violation of Crown law in respect to this matter could exacerbate problems within any circumstances of relationships that form between people. My wife Rachael formed a relationship with her first husband when she was eight years old and consummated the marriage when she was sixteen years old. Her first husband was not Aboriginal, considerably older than her and the relationship did not last as they were not living under lore.(not in his eyes) Both my wife and I have suffered abuses associated to the violation of lore and Crown law has not assisted us to deal with that. Thus we will now respect both lore and Crown law.

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