Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we Go hahah :)D

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 8:48 AM
To: Joan Gibbs
Cc: David Bruce
Subject: FW: Cadetship EPA

As agreed I will continue with my committment to land restoration on the Coorong IPA and hopefully my Government appointment will assist with that project.

Regards from kym Maxwell

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 8:39 AM
To: Hill, Greg (EPA)
Subject: RE: Cadetship EPA

Thankyou Greg
That makes my life a lot simpler in the short term. I can now make solid plans and get on with my work within my field, hopefully under your department guidance and supervison: Environmental Protection

Regards from Kym Maxwell

A letter To UniSA: re Aboriginal Empoyment Opportunities

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 6:52 AM
To: Joan Gibbs
Cc: david.bruce@unisa.u.au
Subject: Voluntary work certain Ngarrindjeri families associated to the Coorong IPA

Hello to Joan Gibbs and to David Bruce from Kym Maxwell

Joan I have had no confirmation from the EPA that I will be proceeding with my cadetship. I am concerned that my agreement to do voluntary work for UniSA on the Coorong project has jeopardised the position with the EPA. There are some logistic problems that I face 1: If I don't get paid employment I simply cant afford to take time running around after other people 2: If I don't get paid employment with the EPA I will have to spend the break seeking employment or working with my wife in the family business 3: My first obligation is to my wife and my family and it would be unfair for me to give time to others whilst I am unemployed and not bringing money into the house. I am certain that other people would not be expected to work for no pay whilst their family suffers.
In view of the circumstances, unless I get a paid position I will not be able to do any further voluntary work as our family budget cannot support those types of activities. If I was active in an honours degree and getting an income associated to research on the Coorong then I could afford to participate. I am waiting for a reply from the EPA and my ability to continue with the project manager position on the Coorong will depend upon the response I receive and if I get paid employment over the holiday period. When I took the position I thought that the cadetship would be going ahead but I have not had confirmation; the political and business situation between UniSA and the particular IPA on the Coorong has not been properly disclosed to me and the dreaming has indicated that all is not well in that area. I can not afford to take a chance and continue with this situation as I have a lot of investigation and work to do associated to the legal and political situation associated to the cadetship, the Ngarrindjeri associated, the university, the EPA, DERRW and the CIU. The issue of my Aboriginal confirmation is directly linked to the situation with the EPA and my cadetship; as you can see, this whole matter is very convoluted and I do need to sort out the issues that are affecting me. We have rising living costs and debts that include HEX so I must honour my family and my financial commitments as my children are at an age where they are requiring substantial financial support and without my business activities or employment, I can not sustain that. I will let you know if I can proceed with my work on the Coorong when I get a response from the EPA. I will request a meeting as matters proceed, with a rep for the UniSA SMG as I am very unhappy as to what has transpired associated to my work placement (organized by Frazer Vicory with DLWBC), the ensuing IPA cadetship offer and all that surrounds those issues.

Yours sincerely Kym Maxwell

The Murray Darling Basin and the associates of the Ngarrindjeri; in the dreaming

To Robert McClelland, premier@saugov.sa.gov.au, beata.kowalczyk@sa.gov.au
From: kym maxwell (aboriginal-arts@hotmail.com)
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2010 8:07:24 PM
To: Robert McClelland (attorney@ag.gov.au)
Cc: premier@saugov.sa.gov.au
Bcc: beata.kowalczyk@sa.gov.au

Hello to ag Robert McClelland and to Premier Mike Rann from Kym Maxwell

The dreams :) Kym dreamed that someone said there was a carnival in town. Kym replied that he would take the day off. The response was as though abuse was spat at Kym for that suggestion.?

Interp: The carnies associated to the Moran's and the 1994 hit on Kym; re the dreaming then about the Murray River and water rights etc. Kym survived the hit to tell the tales hahaha :) Kadashi fo dem bastards de dead ones

Kym dreamed he was walking past a garage sale and Kym had a nice English pottery jug in his procession. The guy doing the garage sale was an antique dealer known to Kym and Kym asked him, whats the jug worth, he said $62. Kym laughed and said "I am under no illusions. hahaha :)

Interp: Dealer from Magill Road and others were involved into the set up and hit on Kym in 1994 (+ the Nema family) Kadashi fo dem :)

Kym dreamed that someone in the street was trying to shoot our dogs. Kym saw a creature in his roof chewing to get into the house. It looked like a rat, but then changed to a native marsupial and it was friendly :) This creature had a relative that looked like a bird with no wings and a head like a marsupial :) The two creatures were friends

Interp: This means I have support somewhere within the Indigenous ranks; my dogs represent my adopted family (we love them hahah :) Kadashi will protect them so do not hurt them; a warning

I dreamed of an associated within University; worked with him on the Coorong land restoration assignment and he is an Italian and Greek person. We got along well and in the dream we were very good friends, I was saying that to him? Being a little to kind maybe hahah :)

Interp: Kadashi protects the friends of the Ngarrindjeri in the dreaming; a warning

Best not to calculate water allocation rites during a flood year. And best that the Gov protects and provides security for the Ngarrindjeri and others; because we are protecting shared property rites; in the dreaming :)

Lets see what comes in the dreaming to protect the waters of the Ngarrindjeri people

Letter to the Government of Australia re Family and Property Security

To the Public Trustee,cc to the Federal Attorney General of Australia and the Premier of South Australia

Hello Beata Kowalczy from Rachael Maxwell

In reference to a letter I received from you; Public Trustee's intentions to conduct to a house and property inspection. As you are aware our property was vandalised on numerous occasions over the past decade and numerous reports were made to the Police. My husband who is a share holder in the property has attended the University of South Australia for several years in order to gain a bachelor degree. He needed to get accreditation in order to be able to deal with the criminal terrorism directed against our family that is linked to his Ngarrindjeri heritage and priori rights, that associate to Ngarrindjeri matters in lore. Water rights are a specific issue of contention that have been in the dreaming recently; the breaches in lore have affected the environmental health of the Murray Darling Basin in recent times. There have been issues in my husbands past-dreaming that link to the bother we are experiencing with the farmers representatives who are disputing the rights to use water for irrigation. My husband has sent numerous letters to the Government associated to this matter of environmental and National importance. My husbands work within the University associates to Indigenous rights and environmental science.
Because my husband has been busy working with UniSA he has not been able to have time to attend to property maintenance and as you are aware my funds have been depleted due to the unusual high costs I have endured due to previous legal disputation with Trustee, property and business sabotage. We have been damaged by our association to the Ngarrinjeri-Kaurna people, the developers-linked and the Government of Australia and it would be difficult to prove but our personal costs caused by the damages are enormous. This has left my family in a situation of jeopardy because the Government of Australia has not provided our family with a duty of care and protection associated to our tribal responsibilities in lore and the dreaming. We would not like to be accused of causing the damages to the property or behaving in a negligent way towards our property; so we are warning you prior to that inspection of the circumstances and we have two major concerns. 1 I do not want to spend unreasonable amounts of money to restore the house because at a future date we have intentions of rebuilding on the property 2 The matter of Trustee interfering into my business and my husbands business associated to the property is a contentious matter for us and the Trustee. The circumstances leading to the situation described has exacerbated the problem and how we are feeling about what has occurred. We are making allegations that the people behind the damages to our property and estate intended to do that to ruin our credibility and to damage us personally: for reasons of there own personal gains, incorporating associated links to corruption within Government and business. We hope that you make a note of our concerns and attach that to my file. I will attach this letter to my husbands blog so we have a permanent and public record of our concerns for the safety and security of our family.

Yours sincerely Rachael Maxwell and family

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Dreams: Warnings: Be Wary of Trepidations Looming

From: aboriginal-arts@hotmail.com
To: attorney@ag.gov.au
CC: tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au
Subject: The dreams are confronting
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 07:25:27 +0930

Hello to the Federal AG Robert McClelland to the leader of the Federal opposition Tony Abbott

Over the past few weeks the dreaming has been disturbing and that seems to coincide with my appointment as project manager on behalf of UniSA for the Coorong. I was acknowledged by the Trevorrow family at Hacks Point to be involved as the project manager for UniSA for the land restoration and other duties within that region. The position is a voluntary position. I have noted that my appointment with the EPA via DEERW as a cadet has not been completed and I am now behind schedule.

Kym dreamed that he was at Hacks point and he opened a packet of smokes and dropped the paper on the ground (Kym does not smoke). A very butch, tough appearing woman complained that Kym had littered so Kym agreed to pick up the paper. Then there was more and more litter and lolly papers and Kym was instructed and stood over by the dominant female to pick up the papers. Kym did not complain and did what he was asked to do. ( could be a bit of a mess to clean up?)

Kym dreamed he was at Folland Park Enfield ( working on a current plant survey), Kym dreamed that he was conducting a rough experiment that related to Oxalis pes-caprae (sour sobs) and using them as compost.
I am currently doing an assignment in Folland Park and I have noted that the weeds are being heavily poisoned within the park, slashing and composting could be a safer and better option? (the fun continues)

Kym dreamed he was singing at Adelaide University but he forgot the words. Kym began to adlib but was not doing well and the song deteriorated to a pathetic narration. Three female students noted Kyms embarrassing situation and noted that he did not have the words. They said that they would speak with my lecturer on Kyms behalf to offer their support.
( I have never done well yet after dreaming of my experiences with the Adelaide University, this began at CASM ten years ago, a dispute over International Aboriginal human rights issues, certain factions don't seem to be able to adhere to International law)

Kym dreamed he was on a bus that was being driven by a butch tough looking lady wearing dark sun glasses. There was myself another male and to girls on the bus and we were taken to a place where the bus parked so we could have some fun. I left the bus to get some wine and asked one of the girls if she would like some Brown Brothers wine. She said yes and that she had had some of their wine the day before.
(could be something to do with UniSA funding and the wine industry, relative to Environmental cuts to irrigation uses of the Murray Darling Basin)

Last night Kym dreamed that he was at the Police station and when the officer asked my name and I responded, he immediately attempted to arrest me and hand cuff me. Kym was complaining and exclaiming that he had done nothing to warrant the arrest.
(how would you be feeling if you were confronted with such a negative barrage of dreams that associate to obvious Native Title issues related to hypothetical-symbolic Environmental rorts, pre-existing within a beleaguered system, the old guard still has a kick for the willing ass it appears hahah :))

If I did not take the appointment for the Coorong I could be ridiculed for not supporting my greater tribal group (the Ngarrindjeri) and now I have taken the appointment, I am now involved into another probable conspiracy, being orchestrated by some, to destroy my character and credibility, it could appear to be heading that way? (in the dreaming) And still with no concrete prospects for paid employment (just another run around whilst my personal priori heritage rights and the rights of my people are being exploited, things appear to be ongoing in that direction at the moment)(in the dreaming)