Friday, October 23, 2009

The Bag Lady Dream

Kym dreamed that some of his associates in business were suggesting to him that it would be better for his image if he had a partner who was an Asian University student. (a person known to Kym who's ID we will not disclose) Then Kym saw a vision in the dream of a work basket that Rachael uses to carry her tools to her market stall. But the basket was full of items that looked like the property of a "bag lady".

What is this dream telling us? Rachael Maxwell is an honored member of our family, Rachael has a rich heritage that is yet to be disclosed and a story of her own that describes her journey within culture and heritage. Every Indigenous person has a right to a share in their heritage and a right to use that for the benefit of family. Corruption and legal convolution has temporarily separated many of the indigenous people of the world from their birthrights, separation by legal convolution does not break apart that which is eternally conjoined. I am far from impressed by the suggestions made in the dream by my associates and indeed I woke up with feelings of immediate distress. Rachael has her own story to tell.

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