Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twitter posts Prime Minister Gillard and Premier Mike Rann re Unions, Business,Organized Crime the ALRM Aborig confirmation=Native Title exploitation

@PremierMikeRann lol we are trying to get security for all Aboriginal families=we have no security with the current corrupted situ=NT issues
1 minute ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Premier Rann=u must change yo Gov ways=do not support Union & Business corruption of Native Title and ganland bullies lol
3 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann LOL yo Gov is a disgracefull and corrupted mess=Yo Gov has supported Native Title exploitation=Union and Gangland assist
5 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann property damages for decades=millions of $ damages re Gov internal, ALRM,= Police corruption=Union & business NT exploit
6 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that assisted us re security=Union based gang attacks upon our family=unemployment,business &
7 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that offered us protection lol=Union related gang attacks= employment,business, property
8 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann lol u= directly implicated into the gang attacks upon our family=Union links=CFMEU in our dreaming lol=gang attacks relate
9 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann since change of Howard Gov we have received further damages gang related=no intervention by your Gov=no security protect
11 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann we have been terrorised by Aboriginal gangs and bikers for decades=limited Police action=no security=accept Howard Gov
12 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Union and gang standover tactics has rruined our business and caused us to receive major financial damage=unemployment
13 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann organized crime, biker gangs and criminals linked to the Unions lol=massive damage to our property over three decades
14 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann no legal or Native Title representation=exploitation of our Native Title rights and heritage=our security is threatened by
15 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann legal protection for gang members and Aboriginal confirmation by the ALRM=but our security is threatened=no confirmation=
16 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/inside-the-gang-of-49/story-e6frea83-1225851579015
17 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann upon our family=gang of 49 type attacks upon us=linked ALRM=linked Native Title exploitation=link Aboriginal confirmation
18 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann three times previously and the Council has made my wife pay the expiation notice= indicative of malicious petty attacks=
19 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann under the front seat of the car=my wife copped a $253 penalty for not showing permit in a disabled park=this has happened
20 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @PremierMikeRann Police report NO. 11/W36184=expiation NO. 58727610=someone remove my wifes dissability permit= the dash of car and put it
21 minutes ago via web in reply to PremierMikeRann
Delete @JuliaGillard LOL yo Gov is a disgracefull and corrupted mess=Yo Gov has supported Native Title exploitation with Union and Gangland assist
26 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard property damages for decades=millions of $ damages re Gov internal, ALRM, and Police corruption=Union & business NT exploit
27 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that assisted us re security=Union based gang attacks upon our family=unemployment,business &
29 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Liberal Howard Gov only Gov that offered us oprotection lol=Union related gang attacks upon our employment,business, proerty
31 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard lol u are directly implicated into the gang attacks upon our family=Union links=CFMEU in our dreaming lol=gang attacks relate
34 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard since change of Howard Gov we have received further damages gang related=no intervention by your Gov=no security protection
36 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard we have been terrorised by Aboriginal gangs and bikers for decades=limited Police action=no security=accept Howard Gov
38 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Union and gang standover tactics has rruined our business and caused us to receive major financial damage=unemployment
39 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard organized crime, biker gangs and criminals linked to the Unions lol=massive damage to our property over the last three decades
40 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard no legal or Native Title representation=exploitation of our Native Title rights and heritage=our security is threatened by
42 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard legal protection for gang members and Aboriginal confirmation by the ALRM=but our security is threatened=no confirmation=
43 minutes ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/inside-the-gang-of-49/story-e6frea83-1225851579015
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard upon our family=gang of 49 type attacks upon us=linked ALRM=linked Native Title exploitation=linked Aboriginal confirmation
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard three times previously and the Council has mae my wife pay the expiation notice=this is indicative of malicious petty attacks=
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard under the front seat of the car=my wife copped a $253 penalty for not showing permit in a disabled park=this has happened
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to JuliaGillard
Delete @JuliaGillard Police report NO. 11/W36184=expiation NO. 58727610=someone removed my wifes dissability permit from the dash of car and put it

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