Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sick of Indigenous Woman Being Damaged by Gangsters

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Little Girl in the House Dream
The Dream: Kym was asleep and in the dream he was awoken by a violent rattling of the bedroom door. At first he didn't realize that someone was there but again their was the noise at the door. There was someone in our house and Kym was terrified to the pit of his guts. Kym got out of bed and went from room to room yelling who's there, who are you and the terror continued. Suddenly Kym turned and there was his daughter Isobel with a little girl about eight years old and she was crying. She was in danger from the street gangs and she had come into our house for protection. Kym was distraught and saying to his wife wake up there's a little girl in our house and we have to call the Police. We have to find her mother. Kym went to his mother’s house and said we have a little girl with us and we have to call the Police. She is lost and we can’t find her mother.

Out of 1-10 for intensity and importance: This dream is a 10. There are numerous ways to interpret this dream but it is best that we wait and see what unfolds now. But make no mistake things will come to light and the little girl will be safe in our house.
Posted by Kym Maxwell at 10:43 AM
Labels: Dreaming Stories Ngarrindjeri +

David Blight Dust my Broom Elmore James
Dream cafe at Salisbury and charging Eighty dollars for a sandwich.
Dream nigga trying to bite me an Dave Small at Semaphore workers club. Dave said I could not play guitar and that they were not interested in dusty old violins
Dream Kym Rachael=girls mother and Kym further connected to girl=sweetheart

The music, vice chancellor James McWha, we are relying on that friendship.
----- Original Message -----

From: Kym Maxwell
To: attorney@ag.gov.au
Cc: attorney-general@agd.sa.gov.au
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: The criminal bike-lawyer capers continue BLBLBVLBLB the dreams reveal why we are being shadowed by crims

From Kym and Rachael Maxwell to the honorable Robert McClelland and to the honorable Michael Atkinson (federal &state ag)

Recently both Kym and Rachael have noted that we are being shadowed and stalked by a criminal appearing type of person (male).
Kym had a dream last night that he was being harassed by thugs who were trying to extort money from him. They were associated to street kids with psychiatric conditions who were obviously abused and drugged by the thugs.(one of the people in the dream, was previously was known to us as a friend)(the attempted extortion appeared related to that person and associates) The dream proceeded to show a literal war between groups of teenage street factions (the bogans and bikies against the greens so to speak) In the dream, to avoid the conflict Kym hid, and when he was discovered by the eco warriors, they were busily pruning trees and doing what they do. They were friendly to Kym and Kym spent some time in there community and even consented to play music with them when he was offered an electric guitar.(they appeared to be living in a large commune like a squat) Kym and Rachael became separated in the confusion of the conflict. In the dream Kym's mother appeared bringing fish to the eco hippies and she warned Kym that he should return to find Rachael as the eco warriors were consuming large serves of hemp (pipes)(Kym refused to indulge) As Kym was leaving the commune and on good terms, the eco warriors gave Kym there card as we intended to keep in touch.
We are so sick of the filthy bastard bikies and there deviate lawyer associates interfering into NT business. These low life bastards will do anything to get there way and they are abusing young people and using them for sadistic purposes.(generally)
We will not be set up by these morons and nor will we be conned by there antics. We deeply regret that these filthy bastards are harming innocent people and we urge the Government to make a contingency to deal with this.(please forgive us for the use of the strong adjectives and trust that the dreaming will assist to enhance there demise)
Perhaps there is some work to do to improve the standing and appearance of the environmental workers. It appears that some in the system are undermining the work in this area.

Yours sincerely the Kaurna Maxwell family, Title holders and custodians of the dreaming and lore

During the last two months my wife and I have separated under "law" pending a divorce. I currently have a relationship with three other females that are connected to me spiritually under "lore". My wife is connected to me under "lore".
It came in the dreaming that my wife asked if she could help me and I also saw my car with a flat battery.(a loss of power due to circumstances) We will continue to be separated under "law"(meeting that criteria) and we will get a divorce. My wife has honored me under "lore" and for that I am eternally grateful as long as she remains true to that. It is my intention to honor any women that become my wives under "lore" and to care for them within that tradition and within my capacity to do that.
We have noted that the gangsters we speak of were a party to matters that have caused the break-down of our marriage agreement under "law" and that "lore" was implemented by us to spiritually protect some of the innocent parties that were being exploited by the criminals-linked.

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